Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Thanks Hugo - But How About Your Own?

Poor residents and nonprofit groups in the South Bronx are about to receive a gift from Venezuela's firebrand President: Eight-million gallons of heating oil at bargain prices. Two months ago, in an interview with the Daily News during his visit to the United Nations , President Hugo first made the startling offer of cheap fuel for this winter from his oil-rich country to a handful of poor communities in the United States. Under the Hugo plan, CITGO will sell oil for about $1.35 a gallon instead of the current average of $2.25.

After making sure that the world has been told the truth about the US and its President in front of the general assembly of the UN, President Hugo wasted no time to move into the streets of New York to put America's poor and underprivileged on notice that help is finally on the way.

President Hugo is reining over a country where 10% of the general population is considered illiterate, over 12% of them are unemployed for life and almost 50% of all Venezuelans live below the poverty line. Violent crime in Venezuela has spiked in recent months. The country has the highest per-capita murder rate in the world. Armed robberies take place in broad daylight throughout the city, including areas generally presumed safe and frequented by tourists. Well armed criminal gangs operate with impunity, often setting up fake police checkpoints. Kidnapping is a particularly serious problem, with more than 1,000 reported during the past year alone. Investigation of all crime is haphazard and ineffective. Only a very small percentage of criminals are tried and convicted.

President Hugo's efforts to take care of the social shortcomings in the US seem a bit far fetched. I have included 2 pictures in this blog that have actually been taken in what is known as the Barrios of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. I guess they have no use for President Hugo's cheap oil, since it seems to me that they don't have oil heater in these dwellings.


Friday, September 22, 2006

5767 - L`Shana Tova Tikatevu!!!

Elul-Rosh Hashana

Tonight marks the beginning of a New Year for the Jewish People around the world. On the Jewish calendar the year 5767 will begin! I wont boar you with the details of how this Holiday is celebrated, there is, however, one important similarity between the Jewish New Year and the American one: Many Americans use the New Year as a time to plan a better life, making "resolutions." Likewise, the Jewish New Year is a time to begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year. And there is also a deep believe that our slates can be cleaned and that everybody has a new chance for luck, fortune and happiness! SO in good old Jewish tradition I wish that you all may be inscribed and sealed immediately for a good life! Foodwise this Holiday evolves around honey. It symbolizes the hope for sweet luck in the new year. Here for those which want to try my Rosh Hashana honey cake recipe


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hugo Chavez - Or Why Clowns Don't Wear Them Noses Anymore!

For those who were still wondering whether Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela is a sound leader or a semi-illiterate fanatic, the answer was given yesterday on the floor at the General Assembly of the UN by none other than president Hugo himself. Chavez used 20 minutes of his speaking time to bash the US and the American President in a surprisingly childish way. But this should not come as a surprise to anyone, since Chavez, for the last 5 years has not missed one chance to make a fool out of himself, by making ridicules comments on current events.

He recently claimed that "the U.S. imperial power had planned and carried out the terrible terrorist attack of 9/11". For many years now legions of mentally feeble and ignorant have maintained that Carlos Gardel, the famous tango singer, never died in Medellin, that Elvis Presley is still alive, that the Americans never landed on the moon, that the Holocaust never happened and now that the US (together with the Israeli's) was behind the tragedy of 9/11!

It does not surprise me that some of his close friends on the international stage, like Ahmadinejad of Iran, Castro of Cuba and Kim-Il of North Korea share some of this sick crap with Chavez. What actually had surprised me a little bit is that this stuff comes from the president of a country, Venezuela, which receives some 70% of its income from petroleum sales to the US. It comes from the president of the country that aspires for a seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the place where world governments would presumably go in search of common sense and rationality.

If I think very hard, yes there might be one rational why president Hugo should stir the crap between the US and the rest of the world. The more tension there is out there, the higher the chances that the crude oil prices stay high. Chavez needs the high prices in the market since all of the oil resources of Venezuela are composed of what is known as "heavy oil"”. This kind of oil is the most expensive to extract. Therefore Venezuela is one of the first countries to suffer losses when the crude oil prices fall.

Then again, let'’s not forget that Chavez, a personal disciple of Castro, believes that it is his mission to continue the Bolivarian Revolution and to shake up what he perceives as the US dominated imperialist order. So there he goes around the world attaching himself to every moron that he can find, that shares his anti-Yankee sentiment, no matter how absurd an alliance between his country and for example the islamic Republic of Iran may be. Be aware, that anybody with a brain in Venezuela is trying to get a rid of this guy since years. That may explain why President Hugo trusts his own personal secuirty only to Cuban bodyguards and his secret police is run by Cuba.

And since he is not intellectual enough to come up with refined speeches, he uses what he knows best and that is demagogic peasant talk. Just like when he shouts at the illiterate and poor masses in Venezuela, selling himself as one of them, he now came to the UN and finally for once told the world the truth about Bush and the US. Just the way every peasant in the world wanted to hear it for a long time already. And since he sees no difference between himself and the likes of Khrushchev and Castro before him, he came not only to give a speech, but to make a historical mark. One that would not be easily forgotten. One that the world would still be talking about the next day.

And what a great job he did. The world and the UN for that matter got a good idea how it will be if Venezuela is granted its wish to become a permanent member of the UN. This institution that is currently fighting very hard not to become a total circus, certainly does not need the kind of disruption that Chavez will bring to the occasion. But just in case the future of the UN will be that of a circus, my recommendation is to hire president Hugo as their clown. He will fill the house, bring it down and make sure that everybody writes about it the next day. And not only will president Hugo single handedly redefine the UN but he will also change the world of the clowns for good. They will replace those red noses, with red shirts, red ties or red berets!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cabernet Sauvignon - My Seven Top Picks!!!

It is time for me to share my top pick Cabernet Sauvignon's with you. I truly love so many different styles of wine from the Shirazs to the Merlots, the Crianzas and on and on. But the ivy league of the red wines has to be the Cabernet Sauvignons. There is just no way around it. Here are my recent 7 top picks:

Put this wine on your radar. This is an upcoming South African icon. This wine will have a future similar to what happened with Mondavi's Opus One! The Californian winemaking consultant Zelma Long, her viticulturist husband Phil Freese, Warwick Estate's Mike Ratcliffe and US importer Bartholomew Broadbent teamed up for this first South African-American wine joint venture called Vilafonte. The Vilafonte 2002 Series C made from a Paarl grapes blend is really, really convincing and promises a wine of major proportion in the future. From the getgo Vilafonte was able to get into the 90 scores with Parker. That is impressive. As always; You heard it here first!


A great California Cab! The Shafer 2002 Hillside Select is on its way to receive a perfect score of 100 by Robert Parker. Need I say more? Rich berry, spice and mint nose. Wonderful balance, powerful cassis, blueberry fruit, spice, coffee and savory notes. Just a blockbuster. Get it, if you can afford it!

Tenuta San Guido 2003 Sassicaia

Anybody that knows me, knows that in my books there is no greater Italian than this one! One of the few wines in the world that can truly rival the greatest Bordeaux! The Tenuta San Guido 2003 Sassicaia is another stellar production! It is worldwide sold out and hard to find and off course expensive. Intense blackberry and cassis aromas, offset by notes of smoke and spice, are confirmed on a palate of lush concentration underscored by firm, ripe tannins carrying into a long, elegant finish. A must have - If you can find it and afford it!

Cabernet Sauvignon

The Vasse Felix 2003 Heyterburry Cabernet Sauvignon is a incredible Australian production that comes at a very economic price and delivers quality well into the 90 scores. 88% Cabernet Sauvignon along with Malbec & Merlot, giving it a deep, rich and complex wine with notable power and concentration - enhanced by 18 months in French oak. Highly recommended!

Château Lynch Bages Pauillac 2003

Although classified as a fifth growth in France, Lynch Bages is one of those properties which illustrates the single most important failing of this classification; it is outdated and in desperate need of review. That, of course, will never happen, but it hardly matters. Those in the know recognizee that Chateau Lynch Bages, under the direction of Jean-Michel Cazes and with financial backing from the AXA insurance group, often produces wine worthy of a higher classification, no matter what the label says. The 2003 Chateau Lynch Bage is a spectacular example. A great, nutty, macerated fruit nose. Nice, cool style on entry, well structured with ripe and supple tannins, again nicely knitted into the fruit and texture. Dark fruit flavor profile. A definite buy!

In this small (29 ha.) Spanish vineyard only the most select Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are grown. These are used to make strictly limited quantities of Torres most prestigious red wine, now known to connoisseurs all over the world. The Torres 2001 Mas Plana is a top Cabernet Sauvignon in my books. Well into the 90 scores, this wine brings a deep dense cherry color, with a touch of mahogany. Wonderfully intense bouquet with hints of cranberries, cherries and truffles. Hard to find and even harder to keep!

A great Cab from Chile. Owned and run by the Rothschilds, this Vina Almaviva 2003 scored 95 points. Very dense, with loads of raspberry ganache, black currant and fig fruit layered with loam, tobacco, mineral and cedar notes. Lots of grip on the finish, with impressive balance between the tannins, acidity and oak. Built like a true Pauillac. Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenre and Cabernet Franc.

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Obsession - A Must See Movie!

I don't know about you people, but I get more and more annoyed with the Muslim issue. I'm not a fan of the Pope or the catholic church for that matter, but I cannot stand this anymore. The West has put itself into a position, that nothing can be said about Muslims anymore. No matter how justified and balanced critisims is, it always ends up infuriating Muslims. Like the girl that brought the rape onto herself by wearing a short skirt, we are bringing terrorism onto ourselves by criticizing the Muslim extremist?!?!?! These people need to be singled out. They need to be profiled. They need to be exposed. The truth about what they are up too needs to be told. The Muslim extremist are out there to transform our world. As we sleep in the comfort of our homes, Islamic extremist evil rises against us. This menace is threatening, with all the means at its disposal, to bow Western Civilization under the yoke of its values. Using images from Arab TV, rarely seen in the West, the movie Obsession reveals an insiders view of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real.

A peaceful religion is being hijacked by a dangerous foe, who seeks to destroy the shared values we stand for. The world should be very concerned. You should be concerned enough to watch this movie. I promise, your neck hair will stand up more then in any Hollywood production!


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bush - The Biggest Presidential Mess Since Jimmy Carter!!!

Every President has the right to a few fuck ups. Every President can absorbe one Somalia, one lie, one fumbled hostage rescue operation etc. But is there any doubt about the fact that we have not moved in on Osama in over 5 years? Is there any doubt that the situation in Afghanistan is a mess? Is there any doubt that the situation in Iraq is a mess? Is there any doubt that the Katharina handling was a mess and the situation in New Orleans is still a mess? Boarder control, immigration, Medicare, warrant-less eavesdropping, secret CIA jails abroad, questionable interrogation practice and a jockful of locked up terrorist in Guantanamo with no concept of what to do with them! On and on and on. Mess and more mess everywhere you look. I do understand that a Party needs to protect its President and its elected Representatives, but for God's sake, there has to be a sublime understanding that this Presidency is a full blown mess. The old ranting that a Republican President, no matter how bad, is still better than a Democratic President can no longer hold. The price of Republican power at this point is too high, even for people that are in favor of Republican views. The Republican party has simply missed on reining in this President and keep his mess's at bay!

Bush never had the abilities for this job, never had a vision, never worked on strategies, never chose the right team and never was ahead of any possible outcomes. His Presidency is and was riddled with reactive behavior and lame patching up. The latest story with the CIA program is another of his leadership failures. First we deny to the world and to America that there are secret CIA jails abroad. We deny that there is and was torture. We state that these terrorist do not fall within the Geneva Convention because they are not enemy combatants. Now that the Federal Courts start to catch up with all these events: oops, there are secret CIA jails and yes they used methods that are not in line with the Geneva Convention! Now we need to quickly (before the November elections because after that it may be too late!)create new law to be able to protect the American people. If that new law is not passed the CIA program cannot go forward and the American people loses their protection! Wait a minute, something tells me that if that law is not passed immediately some people, including Bush might be in hot water for what they have done in the passed 5 year with total disregard for the existing law. The CIA has nothing to do with the Geneva Convention. The CIA is a secret service that operates clandestine and for the most part is outside of any jurisdiction when operating abroad. The Geneva Convention regulates behavior and procedures between legitiment Armies at war. In this case neither the CIA nor the lawless terrorists, that they are chasing around fall under the rules and regulation of the Geneva Convention. And lets not forget that the Geneva Convention happens to be the result of the world and its nations sitting down and agreeing with each other. It is not there for any nation to go ahead and unilaterally change articles of the Geneva Connvetion to their own likings. Bush will tell you that he does not care about the rest of the world when it comes down to what he deems necessary to protect the American people! Well that is exactly the position of people like Ahmedinajad, Kim Chong-Il, Chavez and a few million extremist Muslims. They also don't care about the rest of the world when it comes down to what they deem necessary to protect the interest of their own people. I don't expect the Democratic party to be able to recognize these things and come up with valuable answers. To just withdraw from Iraq and Afganistan and apologize to the whole world is not going to cut it! What truly frightens me is that the Republican party has not yet mustered to comprehend the size of the mess that this President is creating, let alone do something intelligent about it. Lets see whether this week will be the turning point!


Friday, September 15, 2006

The Worlds Best Fruit Spirits - Hands Down!!!


When it comes down to fruit spirits - specifically aged fruit spirits, there is only one choice: ETTER Spirits of Switzerland. This distiller produces an amazing line of "barrique" (wood barrel) aged fruit spirits. Prune, cherry, apple and pear are available. These spirits are so delicate, that even the ladies fall for them. Also check out ETTER's premium bottled products. You will find some amazing glass work, which makes for some of the most unique gifts. As always: You heard it here first!

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Airport Insecurity Update - Don't worry!

I have ranted about airport and airline security before. The fact that we are still reacting to new threats, instead of adjusting our own strategies in order for them to meet possible new threats before they arise, just simply puzzles me! Now we are at a point where apparently over 30% of the American public is convinced that 9/11 was not only a stroke of genius but above and beyond that some sort of US government conspiracy.
The ingredients were as simple as it gets; minimum amount of flight school, a valid boarding pass, 3 to 4 guys per aircraft that are willing to die, one boxcutter, open and accessible cockpit doors and zero airport security! That's all there was too it. Judging by the mere chaos that ensued in the Bush government after the fact is a testament that this had nothing to do with any conspiracy.
Anyway, the bad news is that as I write this Blog we are not one step further. Discussions whether air marshals are allowed not to shave or wear casual in order to blend in, outrage about profiling and the constant bickering about the time it takes to process people through the lines. If you want to clarify for yourself where we stand with the security at the airport or on board the airplanes these days I would like to put your attention towards the gold standard in airport and airplane security: EL AL, the Israeli national airline!
Here are just three parameters to compare to what El AL is doing these days; EL AL spends on average $ 77 per passenger on security procedures - here in the US we spend an average of $ 6 per passenger! At EL AL they believe that it takes a minimum of 3 hours to security-clear an airplane and its passengers - here in the US we do that currently in 20 minutes! EL AL has a clear profiling strategy; They divide the passenger in three groups. The first group is Jews that pose the lowest risk. The second group are all the none-Jewish people. The third group is everybody that either looks ethnically Arabic or carries and Arabic name! In Israel that is considered common sense. After all 100% of all terrorist attacks on airports and/or airplanes over the last 10 years have been committed by people of that background. Over here it is racial profiling and therefore politically incorrect, or not kosher! There was a time when the US was the gold standard in everything it puts its mind too it. It seems to me that these times are gone, and with it the security!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Truffeled Duck Foie Gras - Wow!

Duck Foie Gras - Truffles Medallion 6 oz

D'Artagnan is a company that has impressed me for years with their outstanding products. Goose, duck, truffles, whether American or imported from France; always top of the line. I just found this truffled Duck Foie Gras Medallion's. I have never been much into foie gras out of cans. Now this product comes in a plastic tube and I have to tell you that I'm blown away! Wow! There is no question why this product was awarded at the 2004 Fancy Food Show for "Best New Product". You have to try this one! Instant canapes, Wellington, and a la Rossini. This product taste like a fresh, highquality terrine de foie gras and it has an incredible truffle aroma! 100% Duck Foie Gras, Sauternes, Black Truffles, and best of all; without any preservatives or nitrites. It is easy-to-use for slicing on grilled steaks, adding to a piping bag for canapes, or serving on toast with a glass of Champagne or a great Gewuerztraminer. It has shelf life of 10 weeks. Order it now on Amazon for a mere $ 14 !! And please don't forget; You heard it here first!



Monday, September 11, 2006

Any Person - Any Wine!!!

Have you ever asked yourself with what person you would like to have an opportunity to sit down over a great bottle of wine and converse? And if you could choose any person, death or alive and also any bottle of wine, how would your top five picks look like. For inspiration; here are my choices. Go ahead and disagree with me!

1. 1961 Chateau Palmer with Albert Einstein
2. 1847 Chateau d'Yquem with Napoleon
3. 1985 Sassicaia with Leonardo DaVinci
4. 1992 Taylor Flatgate Vintage with Elvis
5. 1990 Romanee Conti La Tache with Ruyard Kippling



Saturday, September 09, 2006

Best Pancakes Ever - Hands Down!

Image: Ricotta hotcakes

I will be very honest with you guys; For many years I have shied away from sharing my recipes. It was my business to wow people and after all, if everybody knew, how do you keep wowing them? Anyway, as I get older and things change I loosen up a little and have decided that I make some of my best secrets available to you all. Now, not everything that I consider "my secrets" actually has been invented by me. Some stuff I have learned from my Gourmet Brothers around the world. Today I will share with you my secrete for the best pancakes ever. This recipe has been created by my Gourmet Brother Bill Granger. He is an Aussie and is becoming more and more popular as a Chef, not only in DownUnder but also in the rest of the world. Make these pancakes and you will be blown away! They go with everything. Honey, any fruits, jellies, jams, Mabel syrups but also savory things like caviar. Go wow your guest, friends and yourself. And as always; You heard it here first!
Best Pancake Ever Recipe

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Global Cooling - You Better Believe It!!!

These days we are bombarded with global warming hypes from all sites. And like always, when environmental issues are involved, the situation goes from general dismissal to full blown panic with an ever growing support group of extremists that go after anybody that dares to be skeptical or argues to the contrary of global warming as a consequence of human abuse of this planet. The culmination has been reached in recent weeks, when the advocates of global warming have attributed hurricane Katharina and its devastations as a direct consequence of global warming. They have moved forward and insinuated that the "denial of global warming" is equivalent to the "denial of the Holocaust"! I'm not an expert nor am I terribly knowledgeable about global warming. I do tend to be skeptical every time humans come up with theories that anything man made has changed the global conditions on this planet for better or worst. I believe that this planet is just simply too big to for us humans to really make any difference. It was there long before us and I do believe that it still will be there long after us. Other issues that never change: news makers need a study and uninterrupted slew of bad news, media and entertainer need scares to sell books, movies, magazines, papers etc, and politicians need a reason (read threat) why you need to either vote them in , or keep them in office. That was the case back in 1975 too. The only difference is, back then it was global cooling that had us backed up against the wall. Please download a Newsweek Magazine article from April 28, 1975 Global Cooling and tell me that this does not sound similar to what you hear today. With the exception that it is the exact opposite. Since I have no choice but to rely exclusively upon common sense; I conclude that if we have turned the imminent threat of global cooling in 1975 into an imminent threat of global warming within 30 years, we shall be able to cool that sucker back down if need to be!!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ethics Of Tolerance In The Age Of Violence

Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami, is scheduled to deliver a lecture this weekend at Harvard University on the topic of "Ethics Of Tolerance In The Age Of Violence"!

Is there anybody out there that sees anything wrong with this?!?

Need some help on this one? Mr. Khatami held office as president of Iran from 1997 to 2005. During his tenure minorities like Jews, Christians, Sunni and Sufi Muslims, Bahais, dissident Shiite Muslims and Zoroastrians had faced systematic harassment, discrimination, imprisonment, torture and even execution because of their religious beliefs. During Khatami's term, Iran persecuted reformers, students, labor activists and journalists for "insulting Islam" and publishing materials deemed to deviate from Islamic standards.

Of course, then he was the president and needed to go along with his Supreme Leader. Yeah right! How about one of his most recent quote:

“...we believe that Hezbollah has an authentic Lebanese identity, which of course we like and is close to us. Hezbollah will remain and keep its weapons!”

Have I mentioned already that Mr. Khatami’s own party is calling itself the “Militant Clerics League”? What exactly has Mr. Khatamy done now or in the past that qualify’s him to promote himself as the intellectual leader for a dialog between civilizations? The fact that this man is touring around the US, pontificating the crowds iabout ethics of tolerance, is a true joke. Yes, he might be a little bit more moderate, then the latest moron Ahmadinejad. But what does a little more moderate really mean? The fact that the man knows that the Holocaust really happened and that whipping Israel off the face of the earth is not really an option?

As stated many times before; The Republic Of Iran is a third world country which is stuck in medieval times and struggles with massive infrastructural, cultural and social challenges. The country is a theocracy, ruled by a so called Supreme Leader. Iran is currently disregarding the UN and its resolutions, the world and is openly supporting militant terrorists. If Mr. Khatami needs to reform and educate anybody, he should be doing so at the University of Tehran and not at Harvard University. But then again: If he did that, he would be either in jail or executed! For us it really does not matter whether the man has a few intelligent things to say and may even have a few valuable opinions too. If he wants to help the dialog between his country and the real civilization's to be beneficial, then he urgently needs to bring his Iranian peers up to the level of what is considered civilization in the twenty-first century. That will keep him busy for a long time!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

90 Point Rioja - For Less Than $ 10 A Bottle!!!

Anybody can select and drink great wines! All it takes is a big wallet and the understanding that the expensive choices are likely the better wines. Amongst my Gourmet Brothers, over the years we have conspired to detect the "Trouvailles". These are great finds. Wines that are around and/or above a 90 point rating, that can be bought for around or less then $ 20 a bottle. So from now on, on a regular base I will share some of these finds with all of you. The today's tip is a Spanish Rioja wine:

BODEGAS RAMON BILBAO Tempranillo Rioja Crianza 2003

A plush red that radiatess black cherries, ripe blackberry accented with a hint of chocolate and tobacco. It is ready to be consumed between now and 2008. Try it - you might like it!



Monday, September 04, 2006

Castration - Distasteful I Know!

Whilst my blog is dedicated to the good life in all its forms, I also have pledged to address current events and issues with the common sense that you rarely find amongst politician's anymore. Child molestation and the raping of females and young boys is an issue that truly makes my blood boil. Off course amongst almost 6 billion humans there has to be a certain amount of DNA mistakes when it comes down to sexual orientation. A few freaks amongst all of us need children, violence and/or rubber boots to be able to procreate and take pleasure in it. I do understand and accept that. What I do not understand is that our society and the justices system seems to believe, that if you lock up a child molester for 10 years after raping and almost killing a 9 year old girl; this guy will come out of jail a changed man?!?! I, myself am blessed with a healthy appetite for boring heterosexuallity and everything that comes with it. I don't know why I like what I like and I do not know, nor do I ask myself why the site of a beautiful woman gets me going. That's just the way I'’m born. If this where to be wrong and they would catch me to have fondled a beautiful woman, no amount of jail would ever change that feature of my personality! On the contrary. After 10 years of jail, I'll be more desperate to see a woman than ever before! Some amongst us are born freaks. They get off things that are sick and detrimental to society. I do believe that most probably they have the same amount of choice over what arouses them as I do, which is none! I'm sure that each and every serial killer, rapist and also child molester intellectually understands, that what they are doing and or liking is wrong and not acceptable. But they are born that way ! I have no trust nor believe that anything a therapist or a jail can do to fundamentally change this behavior because it is not behavior, it is a freak show of nature. In my opinion there is only two options, once these people have been exposed; we either jail them for live or voluntary castration. The jail for live is not a penalty, it is pure and simple to protect society from somebody that can never be trusted again; unless they agree to be castrated. That is the only therapy that garantuees child molester and/or rapist will never again feel the urge to do what they are not supposed too. I know that many of you might think I'm crazy, but think about it for a minute: There is a lot of people in our society that voluntarily do not entertain sex. There also is a considerable amount of people, that cannot entertain sex because of illnesses, disabilities and or disfucntionalities. All these people live amongst us and can be happy and productive. If your sexual orientation proof's catastrophical for other human beings, we will offer you two choices: Go to jail for live or agree to be castrated. I do not understand why these two obvious choices are not on the table for discussion. We can permanently stop sexual predators if we want too. Just give them the choice whether they want to life amongst us, but therefore give up the sexual life for good or if they want to be contained for live. Think about it!


Friday, September 01, 2006

It Is Time Now!

It is time for me to share my latest, personal watch choice with you all. This new Parmigiani Fleurie is the time piece of my desire. The Type 370 Buggatti has been in development as long as the 1000-hp Bugatti Veyron that it's supposed to complement. But while the Veyron is still mired in high-speed testing,the Bugatti watch is available now! This first attempt at moving away from classical watchmaking, the Bugatti is innovative primarily in its linear architecture made of a succession of bridges. A sort of ‘motor block’ to wear on the wrist, Bugatti aligns the balance, gear train, double barrel and the display in somewhat the same manner as certain historical pieces and marine chronometers. This astonishing transversal movement, in which the screws have been replaced by hexagonal nuts, rests entirely on silent blocks. Sapphire crystals of a rare complexity allow the viewer to see the movement from above and from the side. To wind the watch or adjust the time, one uses a surprising pen-starter, which alone is worth a second look. It is inserted in two minute openings situated under the watch. The energy is transmitted to the watch via a clutch mechanism, a spherical differential and conic gears. Inside the pen-starter, one discovers barrels in series, a differential that regulates the force, a liquid-silicone chamber designed to amortize the speed of winding, and a dynamometer that controls it all. The watch has ten days of autonomy. The first Bugatti watch was delivered to noted car fanatic Ralph Lauren earlier this year. Fifty each will be available in each of three colours. Remember - If you need to ask for the price; You can't afford it! Parmigiani Fleurier



Ahead Of The Press!

Once again, VONCIGARS beats the National Press to it! On 8/24 I blogged about "The War On Terror Oxymoron!". Amongst many other arguments I made the point that all the current security processes do not account for what will be the future of terrorism not only here but anywhere in the world. That future has already arrived in the UK, Spain and France where Muslim terrorists today are not imported but born and raised citizens. Today the press seems to catch up with that. The Associated Press reports under the caption " US Muslims see threat from within" (see Washington Times)!! Go check it out. Like always - you heard it here first, and no, it is not fortune telling, just common sense!
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