Monday, July 16, 2007

Guilin China - Young Man Go East !

For my generation the dream definitely was to go West to eventually land in the US of America. Although I'm not old--by any stretch of the imagination--the directional indicators for dreams, opportunities, a new life and undiscovered lands have changed dramatically. If you are young and eager to explore the world there is no way that you can ignore China any longer. Slowly but surely we have become used to the "Made in China" on the back of more and more products. It is safe to say that we have grown accustomed to a consumer lifestyle that without the products from China would simply not be sustainable. Despite this tremendous influence in our daily lives China has managed to remain this far land that is out of reach for most of us. The physical distance, the cultural disconnect, the language barrier and the communistic system have created an air of unapproachability that keeps China off most peoples list of desirable travel destinations. In reality China is a must-item for all of us. The economical explosions that are taking place in China today--and will still for many decades to come--make this the "young man go West East" of our young generations. Maybe one of the best ways to get started is by making China a legitimate travel destination. Hollywood may help to make the argument here. The region of Guilin recently stood in as the central backdrop to the epic Hollywood adaptation of the classic 1920’s Somerset Maugham love story "The Painted Veil". Reputed by the Chinese to be the ‘finest place under heaven’, the Guilin region has provided inspiration to poets and painters for centuries. At the center is Guilin, one of the most scenic city in China. The real highlight is the the stretch of Li River that connects Guilin with the Yangshuo County. Along the Li River you will find the most awe-inspiring landscape of deep gorges and towering mountains, crystal-clear waters with reflections, serene pastoral views of rice paddies and water buffaloes. It certainly feels like walking into a traditional Chinese painting. The stunning scenery of Guilin and its surroundings could be the perfect start to get to know China on a personal level. Keep in mind; There is a good chance that your children at one point will be considering to take up Chinese as an additional language. After all we won't be able to stop the dragon, so you might as well embrace him! Marco Polo did it a long time ago and started the Republic of Venice on one of its most prosperous runs!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could I post your picture on the China forum?

1:42 AM  

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