About Global Warming - The Real Inconvenience!

Now that Al Gore got his Oscar and most likely pockets another $22 million in personal wealth as direct income generated by his movie "An Inconvenient Truth", some people at least have started to look at Al's personal behavior. Al Gores home runs an electrical bill that is about 28 times that of an average American family and with all the SUV's and the running around globally in private jets, his carbon footprint is estimated about 2,600 times that of an average American his age! I guess to be the chief prosecutor of the global warming theory you also need to be amongst the top contributors to the problem. There was a time when this would have been ousted as hypocrisy and would have earned laughs and not Oscars. I know that being critical of the global warming theory is not a popular thing to do these days. But hey, somebody got to do it and it might as well be me. Consider the following facts:
Many of the same scientists that today sign off on the global warming theory were convinced in the late 70's that the world is more likely to face a global cooling within the next 50 years and warned us with the same vigor of global cooling and the fact that we will all starve to death if nothing will be done!
Global warming is effected by the so called greenhouse gases. One needs to understand that the Co2 is only one of the gases that make up the group of greenhouse gases. The entire movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is based exclusively on the increase of Co2 emissions, that without a doubt are caused in leaps and bounds by humans burning fossil fuels. But here is the kicker; In the entire group of greenhouse gases, the Co2 stemming from burning fossil fuels make only about 4% of the total greenhouse gases. Does that make you think?
Are you asking now what the other, much bigger contributors to the greenhouse gases are? Water vapor, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, sulfurhexafluroide, hydro-fluorocarbons, per-fluorocarbons and chlorofluorocarbons. Most of these occur naturally, but humans are the reason for some of these too. The biggest culprits are agricultural activities, including the use of fertilizers, livestock and specifically paddy rice farming, land use and wetland changes, pipeline losses, and covered vented landfill emissions leading to higher methane atmospheric concentrations. Many of the newer style fully vented septic systems that enhance and target the fermentation process also are major sources of atmospheric methane.
The simple truth is, that if we all would cut our meat consumption in half, we would make up for the entire greenhouse gas increase so far and also for the by Al Gore projected increases over the next 50 years! I do not remember hearing anything about agriculture, livestock and meat consumption in Al Gores movie. Why not? After all would it not be much, much easier if everybody that believes in global warming would voluntarily stop eating meat and therefore eradicate all effects of the man made part of greenhouse gas increase all together?
That may be more inconvenient than just ranting about the bad governments and the old bad oil industry. Telling people to stop eating meat and risking jobs and business in the agriculture industry may not go over so smooth with the people and could certainly lead to less sales in movie tickets and maybe in much lesser popularity that would also not lead to an Oscar. Whilst Al Gore's theory may be an "inconvenient truth", the real truth would actually inconvenience peoples lives directly and therefore would not make for a real popular movie.
There are about 1,600 scientist worldwide that have signed on to the global warming theory. This group and their thesis have been organized and facilitated by none other than the UN. That happens to be the same organization that currently petitions its members to volunteer to a global warming tax, that would be collected by the governments and then handed over to the UN to administer relief and manage all issues with regards to global warming. That is the same UN that has been put in place to facilitate the peace between the Nations of the world and therefore eradicate the need for wars. We all know how that played out so far.
The earth is warming up. As the earth has done many, many times over the last few billion years. It warms up and it cools off and it does that all by itself. This earth is bound for a warming cycle with or without humans. Is there a chance that humans and their activities contribute some to the trend - I'm sure we do. But nothing that we can do will change the fact that this planet was going, is going and will be going through natural, catastrophic events on a regular bases and till the end of all time, and there is nothing humans can do about that. That means that sometimes we can barely ski during the winter and sometimes we can ski all year. Sometimes we can enjoy living close to the beaches and sometimes we will need to back off and live somewhere else. There is nothing genius about Al Gores movie and also nothing genuine. Al Gore will keep on eating too many steaks (as you can see) and enjoy the privileges of private planes, luxury cars and big homes - and so will I - if I manage to afford it!
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