Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Big Points For Your Bucks - My Top Picks!

I'm a firm believer that you can be a wine aficionado without having to put up thousands of dollars to indulge in real good products. It is therefore my mission to bring big point wines to your attention, that can be bought for little money. My bench mark for these picks are that each bottle must not cost more than $ 20 and needs to score 90 Points or higher (by either Robert Parker of Winespectator). So here are the today's picks:

2005 Regis Minet Pouilly Fume Vielles Vignes (91 Points)

Regis Minet

2005 has played out to be a picture-perfect vintage in the Loire. This has certainly blessed the Minet vineyard. This 2005 Pouilly Fume at about $ 18 a bottle is just simply stellar. Ripe and fresh fruits like pear and lycee, a touch of honey with hints of black pepper and a Chablis-like stoniness. This is an unusual complex Puilly Fume with an outstanding balance. If you are into fresh and light with wines there is no better pick at this price and it comes with 91 Points!

2004 Langmeil Shiraz Barossa Valley Floor (94 Points)

This Aussie shows off with a deep purplelish ruby red. A full noose of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries with a hint of pepper. Well balanced smooth tannins and acidity. There is no Shiraz out there at average $ 20 a bottle that comes close to the complexity if this one. There might not be another red wine that comes with a 94 Point blessing at this price point. You got to try this one.

2003 Castello Di Querceto Chianti Classico (90 Points)

There is no bigger cliche for Italian wine than Chianti. Everybody knows what Chianti is, even the people that never drink wine. And it is a mass-product that comes in thousands of different offerings, most of them not really great wines. So far you either got a very, very expensive Chianti or it was a cheap one that tasted as cheap as you paid for. Here is a Chianti that you can find for as little as $ 12 a bottle, that is a true testament to great Italian table wine. I cannot think of anything better to go with your pasta, pizza or lasagne. Medium bodied with some deep cherry, some hint of cola and green pepper. Very well balanced. If you Chinati anytime soon, this is a true steal.

These are the three picks of the day. I will be doing this about once a week. Come back and check it out. And as always; You heard it here first!



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