Monday, June 11, 2007

Delicious - Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil !

For some reason I was never able to completely share the enthusiasm for olive oil. Like everybody else I do have a little selection of premium olive oils in my kitchen and do use them upon occasion. Most of the time there are better options, especially to use for cooking. Using oils as a condiment over salads, appetizers, vegetables and and to scoop up with bread, I feel that there are other options that literally bring more taste-depth and flavor-excitement to the table. One of these exciting oils come from a part in Austria that is known as the Styria. Styria is an Austrian State located in the southeast corner of Austria. It borders with Slovenia as well as other Austrian states. One of today's most important Styrian export commodities is the "Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil". It is made by pressing the roasted, skinless seeds of a local Austrian variety of pumpkins. It has been produced and used since the 17th century. The earliest confirmed record of pumpkin seed oils in Styria dates to February 18, 1697. The Pumpkin Seed Oil is dark green, syrupy with an intense, delicious and nutty taste. It is very healthy due to its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Drizzle this smooth and rich oil over vegetables, grilled meats, pasta or use sparingly in vinaigrettes and for salads. You will be impressed with the experience. You can order online and get one of the original, famous local Styrian brands.

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