Friday, December 29, 2006

The Final Best Of 2006 - Happy New Year !

Well my friends this is it! Last post for 2006. When we are back next Monday it will be 2007. So I will do my best to go out with a Best Of 2006 that can make a difference for your New Years Eve party. There is three things to the last party of the year that is almost universal. In most places you will be served or serve Champange, Smoked Salmon and Caviar. The reason for that is that all three of these delicacies are considered the Best of the Best. So here are my last picks for Best Of 2006:

Krug, Clos du Mesnil 1995
When it comes to luxury champagne, this really is the tete du tete - literally head of head, or top of the top. It comes from one small walled vineyard of just 4.5 acres that is planted entirely to chardonnay, so the champagne is what's known as a Blanc de Blanc. It's also extremely rare as only 12,624 bottles were produced in the 1995 vintage. Any other vintage Krug will be just as great of a choice, but this one is my personal all-time most favorite champage!

Pol Roger Brut 1998
Pol Roger is not nearly as well known in America as it deserves to be, but the fact that it is the most expensive vintage fizz on the market - excepting, of course, Krug, which is in a class by itself - shows that enough people are aware of its virtues to keep the price high. A complex and mouth-filling fizz worth every penny of the premium it commands. All his vintages are outstanding. Even the less expensive cuvees are just outstanding. You can not go wrong if it says Pol Roger on the bottle.

Dom Perignon Rose 1995
Rose Champagne used to have a vaguely declasse air about it, it was not considered a serious champagne. But not any more. The ladies love these pink bubbles. Sales are soaring and there is now a general shortage these days. DP's rose is one of the very best, redolent of strawberries and cream, and a fine demonstration of the God Father of champagnes style of delicacy and finesse. Actually you cannot go wrong with a vintage Dom Perignon. They are just world class!

When it comes down to the smoked salmon there is only one choice that is acceptable.
Balik Of Switzerland. But not any Balik, only the filet of Tsar Nicolaj. This is the smoked center cut of the salmon filet that has been cold smoked according to an old, secret receipe - the way the last Tsar had his own salmon smoked. As a result, you cut this smoked salmon in nice little medallions and serve them just with a touch of creme fraiche and a wedge of lemon. It is the ultimate experience. After that you will refuse the other stuff that claims to be smoked salmon. In the US you need to order the real Balik online!

Last but not least we need to talk about caviar. If you want the Best of the Best then there is only one caviar for you. Imperial Osetra Caviar. There is two things to it. One; this caviar can only be from Iran. Do not accept caviars from Russia or any other place to be sold to you as Imperial Osetra. These are knock-offs. The only real and original Imperial Osetra Caviar comes from Iran and Iran only! Second; for the ultimate pleasure the caviar needs to be fresh. Not pasturized or tempered with in any other fashion. There only a few places in the world, where they will have fresh, daily flown in Imperial from Iran. The Foodhalls at Harrods in London, Feinkost Kaefer in Munich, Lafayette in Paris, Dean & Delucca in New York etc. If you do not have access to any of these highend places then my tip for you is The Browne Trading Company. This is one of the finest offerings of gourmet foods and specialty items online. Browne has a nice selection of Iranian Caviar and a great caviar line from my Gourmet Brother Daniel Boulud. You cannot go worng with these guys!

Browne Trading Company



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