Tuesday, February 27, 2007

When In Venice - Fritto Misto Al Gatto Nero Di Ruggero

There are certain things that one should only eat or drink in the place of their origin. Terrine De Foie Grass tastes nowhere better than in the Alsace region of France. A Rose De Provence is only great when drunk in the South of France etc. Seafood Fritto Misto is nowhere better than in Venice. To be more precise, on the island of Burano, which is part of what is commonly know as Venice. Once you find that jewel amongst the Venice islands you will understand right away that even the cats on Burano know that this restaurant is dedicated to offer the best Seafood Fritto Misto anywhere on this planet. The "Gatto Nero di Ruggero" (Black Cat) with its vivid blue facade stands out among the low, brightly colored buildings animating the picturesque Fondamenta della Giudecca. Chef and owner Ruggero's Fritto Misto is outstanding for its lightness and the incerdible variety of fresh fish. When next time in Venice, you must make a stop on Burano!

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