Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Latkas - Best Recipe Hands Down !

Jews all over the world call potato pancakes Latkes (also spelled Latkas). Latkes originated in Eastern Europe, where they are still today considered comfort food although the Jewish population to go with the tradition has long perished! Areas like northeast Poland, for instance, know many varieties like the Placki Wegierskie, Latkes stuffed with a thick spicy goulash. Latkes are a very important part of Jewish cuisine. They can be served any time, but by tradition they are especially popular at the year-end; Hanukkah. Eating Latkes is not one of the mitzvot of Hanukkah; however, Jews find it appropriate to eat foods cooked in oil during the festival that celebrates the miracle of the Temple oil. In Israel, where Latkes are also known as Levivot (singular Levivah), they are well-liked, and served with Sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts) that are considered to be the Hanukkah tread. Latkes are traditionally eaten with sour cream or applesauce, or both. I personally love my Latkes with sour cream and some nice smoked salmon to go with! Over these past holidays I've been eating my fair share of Latkes and one may even say that the share was too big. Anyhow I'm happy to report to you that I'm now able to cure the best Latkes of the 2006 Hanukkah season. It comes from a dear friend of many years. Susan knows how to prepare terrific staples of the Jewish cuisine. Her Latkes are the best hands down. So next time you prepare Latkes - or maybe you want to try them for the first time - here is her recipe. She has not shared this with anyone, so please feel privileged. Also Susan happens to be one of the top Realtors in South Florida. If buying or selling real estate around South Florida - she's your girl. Just click on her picture!

Potato Latkas (courtesy of Susan Kasen)

4 Idaho baking potatoes peeled and quartered

1 large onions peeled and quartered
2 large eggs beaten
3/4 cups of matza meal (you can use allprupose flour too)2 cups of canola oil for frying
sour cream and apple sauce

Use a blender to grate potatoes. Take 1/2 the potatoes and add to the blender, add water to cover potatoes. Put blender speed on medium high and grate the potatoes until they have no lumps and are of medium consistency. Pour the potatoes through a strainer to remove all the water. Than put the potatoes in a some kitchen paper and press them dry. Put the grated potatoes in a large bowl and add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and mix. The sour cream prevents the potatoes from turning brown. Repeat this very same process with the rest of the potatoes and all the onions and mix everything together in the same bowl. Then mix in the matza meal (or allprupose flour) and also the previously beaten 2 large eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Heat up frying pan and add one cup of canola oil at the time. Use a 1/4 cup of batter for each Latka and fry them deep golden on both sides. Serve them hot with homemade apple sauce or sour cream.
Susan B. Kasen

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