Monday, August 21, 2006

Big day for the Iranian A-Holes!

This year August 22ND, a supposed day of reckoning for the Shiites, has arrived. Iran, with over 80% Shiites Muslims will commemorate the return of the 12TH Imam. Some Shiites believe that this day corresponds to the end of the world. And off course after much hype Iran finally announced today that it will continue to develop it's nuclear program. And again the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, delivers a well-timed affront to Israel, the United States and the World. The United Nations had given Iran until the end of the month to respond, but Ahmadinejad had made it clear to all Iranians and the world that he intended to respond on the eve of August 22nd. The Iranian President is without a doubt a masterful disruptor and a virtuous terrorist.

Like other third world country menaces (Chavez in Venezuela, Kim Il in N.Korea and Assat in Syria) Ahmadinejad heads a nation that is economically and culturally totally insignificant. Iran runs a State Budget below $ 50 billion (in yearly revenues) which would not be nearly enough to make it into the Forbes top 10 list of US companies and just simply dwarfs when compared to the US Federal Budget that is well passed the $ 2 trillions. As a matter of facts countries like Austria and Denmark, amongst the smallest European countries, run slightly bigger operations than Mr. Ahmadinejad. Ad to this the fact that more than 20% of his fellow Iranians are illiterates and about 50% of them live below the poverty line. That leaves us with the only economically notable contribution of Iran, which is the daily production of about 3.9 million barrels of oil. Again compared with the 7.6 million barrels that the US produces on a daily base, not exactly impressive either. At this point roughly 70 million Iranians under the leadership of Mr. Ahmadinejad, sitting on significant oil resources are not capable to outperform 6 million Israelis that have no oil or any other natural resource whatsoever. Maybe some of that hatred for Israel is not based on religious envy nor on any of the territorial problems between Israel and it's direct neighbor's but more on the reality that this tinny little, multi-cultural, multi-religious, democracy is taking this big and powerful, oil based Shiite theocracy of Iran to school on every aspect of live. Science, economy, social services, military, agriculture, industry, public health, education you name it and there is simply no comparison between Iran and its most hated enemy Israel.

Like in every aspect of life one can drive to be a contributor and performer or go the other way and be the great disruptor. The likes of Ahmadinejad, Assat, Kim Il and Chavez's of this world have long understood that they are too small, too underdeveloped, to insignificant and way too under performing to make a mark in this world, let alone to force other Nations to adopt any of their views. So they have decided that they must resort to the only other strategy, which is disruption. If you cannot dictate the course, you can always try to disrupt the life's of those others that can. Its is the art of disrupt the normal and orderly flow of things and make other peoples life's miserable.

So whilst other State leaders are busy with things like national economy, welfare, health services, international treaties, science, economy and education, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad is busy to further build his a arsenal of disruption. A strong extremist Shiite base, preferably not only in Iran, but also in Iraq, Lebanon, London and Detroit etc., a strong affiliated terrorist militia like Hezbollah that operates outside of Iran, out side of any control, State body or jurisdiction, off course a healthy amount of oil and last but not least some nuclear arms can't hurt either. Does Ahmadinejad seek nuclear arms to really use them? Nehhhh I don't think so. Even a disciple of Armageddon understands that the minute he would use nuclear arms Iran and much of its surroundings would be pulverize by retaliation. After all what fun is it to destroy Israel if you don't live to enjoy the spoils!

But disruption and more disruption and the constant undivided attention of 6 billion people on this planet to these totally unimportant 70 million Iranian A-holes! That's a lot of fun and in the process you can corrupt some of these westerner institutions, like the UN and play with the world media. And maybe, just maybe you can influence the outcome of elections in other countries and cause problems and inconveniencing for everybody.

Combine these basics with the fact that these people worship death instead of life and that the places they come from have made them oblivious to any hardship and deprivation versus the Western world that has become completely soft and incapable to withstand any hardship of any sort and yes, after all the politics of disruptions work. You can terrorize, provoke wars, disregard the world community and is rulings and disrupt the peace and prosperity and yet you will get away with it because vast amount of people in our Western world prefer the illusions of peace and ceasefires and the calm that comes with that over the resolve of putting and end to the disruptors of this world. That would potentially cause bloodshed, claim innocent victim's and make the gas prices go up and whom wants that kind of stress?

So here we go again. The President of Iran wont bring the end of the world tomorrow but he certainly enjoyed the fact that we all have asked ourselves whether or not he would. But he will also not put and end to his nuclear program, his support for Hezbollah, his support for the insurgency in Iraq and everything else that guarantees him good potential for disruption and the attention of the world. Whipping Israel off the maps' and the promotion of the holocaust myth are sure fire ways into the cable network news. And maybe, just maybe he will buy a second suit for the announcements of tomorrow.

When will we (the rest of the world) finally have the guts to put an end to the terror and disruption that comes form these tinny peasant states that can hardly feed their own and yet they want to take on the whole rest of the world. Only when the politics of terrorism and disruption stop working will these guys consider other avenues. So far things work out well and Iran has no reason whatsoever to change anything.

So lets enjoy another entire day where Iran and it's leader will bully any other topic off the world's agenda and enjoy another day of disruption made in Iran!

(I have enjoyed a beautiful Ghurka Grand Reserve Churchill whilst typing this post! This sensational cigar is slightly perfumed with Gognac and is just a pure pleasure stick!)


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